the way I start my day defines the rest of it... the mood I will be in, how productive I will be. I have so many steps in my routine taht I wouldnt skip, such as making my bed very first thing before anything else, but the way I start the day in the bathroom is very important, even if I dont have much time (which is always the case with children, school runs etc...) I really try to follow those 5 easy STEPS.
The beauty of it, I can do them from anywhere when I travel!
““Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you’re going to have.” ”
Before I step into the shower each morning, I take a mindful two minutes to thoroughly dry brush my body. Placing the brush strategically near the tub acts as a helpful visual reminder.
Dry brushing is has been around for centuries and its benefits are endless. It stimulates the lymphatic system, exfoliates the skin, removes toxins, increases circulation and energy, and reduces cellulite.
I start from the ankles, upwards, and dont forget my arms, waste, even tummy and as much of my back as I can reach. This simple routine is game changer and makes me feel instantly lighter!
This video I found on Goop while looking for a tutorial for myself is the easiest I found!
I love a cold plunge after a sauna, I find it so cleansing and invigorating. I used to do it daily when I lived in NY. My gym down the block had the best sauna and cold plunge and it was a big part of my daily routine.
Unfortunately I had to adjust a bit since moving to london, not having the same easy access, so I try to recreate it at home, by finishing my morning (or evening) shower, with icy cold water.Not always easy, especially early mornings when its still dark outside, but its alllll soooo worth it!
Here are a few benefits of finishing your shower with just 30 seconds of ice cold water: boosts the immune system, makes you more alert, relieves depression, shinier hair, better circulation, work out recovery. Just 30 seconds a day will make a huge change!
After the body, icing your face is my favourite way to instantly wake up, and de puff my eyes. If there’s one skincare routine I never skip mornings and evenings it’s to wash my face with a cleanser and some ice cold water. But I love to go an extra step and sculpt my face with an ice roller. I always have a few ready to use in the freezer, from contour cubes (ice cubes perfectly shaped to contour my face with) or a face roller that’s been in the freezer over night .
It instantly ice reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles and may make my skin appear lighter, brighter, and firmer!
lifting face massage
That’s the last step, and easy to forget, but it makes SUCH a difference, long and short term!
I usually massage my face while applying my moisturiser, using techniques I was taught by various beauticians or face sculptors like Guendolina the face sculptor. I massage my face upward to defy gravity, and everything I want to lift ( I have an eyebrow higher than the other one and I can instantly see the difference!) or around my lips to plum them up a bit!
Here is a little demo by Guendolina. I usually do mine standing up in front of the mirror.
I know its one extra step but trust me its worth it!
A Scalpt massage
One of the latest trends, and one only if enough time (which is ok because once a week is enough!), but one that I love!
Before my shower, I love to give myself a little head and scalp massage using a Guasha combs. It stimulates my blood circulation which brings oxygen and hair-healthy nutrients to the hair follicles. I always find it quite awakening especially a day when you dont have time to wash your hair and finish with extra cold rinse on your head!
I used a Guasha comb and gently pass it from my hair line to the back of my head, like in this video tutorial . Pretty straightforward and so relaxing!